Saturday, September 10, 2011

Conceptual Practices Assignment Uno

So we just turned in our first conceptual practices assignment and I was pretty pleased with what I did. The project was to create 3 pieces that represented Irony, Beauty, and Art. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do but I like where I was going with it. The next project is doing a transcription of a modern artist's painting. I can't say I like the class or the instructor, but he let's us do whatever we want so that's pretty nice.

Anyways, these are those pieces...(Irony is my favorite, just sayin')...




Saturday, September 3, 2011

End of Summer

I ended summer with 2 rolls of film that really captured what is most important to me and why I do photography to begin with. It has been an extremely stressful transition for me and my whole family; not only did my family move into a new home but I recently moved out. I really needed my camera to help me through it and to help me remove myself from the moment so I could see it from the other side of the glass.

These are the images that saved me.